This is my Day in Portugal with Stanley


This is a day Stanley and I went into Portugal for a day. I was standing to have a good stretch as you get tired and sore sitting. This is down at the harbour and there were lots of fish in the water. It was a very nice day and warm too. portugal.jpg (30183 bytes)


portugal2a.jpg (34991 bytes) This is me pointing to the border between Spain and Portugal. There is a nice long bridge as you can see it in the distance.Stanley and I found it after we did the shopping.


This is the main Street in Portugal. It was nice and sunny that day, and we did some shopping and some sight seeing. portugal4a.jpg (35283 bytes)


portugal7a.jpg (42947 bytes) This is a photo which Stanley took of me standing looking at the fish down in the water at the harbour in Portugal.


This is Stanley and I down at the Harbour in Portugal. It was a very nice day also it was very hot and sunny too as we went shopping. boats2.jpg (30728 bytes)


harbour2.jpg (20429 bytes) We are now down at the Harbour looking at all the yachts that are berthed there.


Again this down at the Harbour in Portugal where there is a ferry that will take you over to Gibraltar and also to Africa. bridge2.jpg (30448 bytes)


porto2.jpg (20951 bytes) This is a view of the other side of Portugal from the harbour.


This is some of the cafe in the centre of town where there is a lot of nice architecture. cafe2.jpg (24153 bytes)


stanley2.jpg (19660 bytes) This is my friend Stanley pointing at the bridge that separates Spain and Portugal. You can't see the bridge because it isn't in focus.
